【部编人教版】初中英语八年级下册同步课堂 周丽娜 全21节
- 教程大小:2.34 GB
- 教程来源:网友上传
- 更新时间:2020-12-17 15:54:40
- 教程类别:初中 / 英语
- 教程语言:简体中文
- 教程格式:mp4
- 本套课程 共需:50点
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- 微信红包支付:8821 7379 支付宝、网银支付【进入页面】
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英语初2下Unit01 What's the matter(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit01 What's the matter(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit02 I'll help to clean up the city parks(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit02 I'll help to clean up the city parks(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit02 I'll help to clean up the city parks(Section C).mp4
英语初2下Unit03 Could you please clean your room(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit03 Could you please clean your room(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit04 Why don't you talk to your parents(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit04 Why don't you talk to your parents(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit05 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit05 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit06 An old man tried to move the mountains(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit06 An old man tried to move the mountains(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit07 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit07 What's the highest mountain in the world(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit08 Have you read Treasure Island yet(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit08 Have you read Treasure Island yet(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit09 Have you ever been to a museum(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit09 Have you ever been to a museum(Section B).mp4
英语初2下Unit10 I've had this bike for three years(Section A).mp4
英语初2下Unit10 I've had this bike for three years(Section B).mp4
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